
Appreciation Letters

Letter of Appreciation from Ashwini Kumar Choubey – Minister Of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India

पर्यावरण संरक्षण के क्षेत्र में क्लाईमेटो रिफॉर्मर समूह (कृष्णा गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन की एक इकाई) के प्रयास प्रशंसनीय है। जलवायु परिवर्तन के कारण पूरे विश्व में चिंताएं बढ़ी है। विश्व के कई देशों में औसत तापमान बढ़ रहा है और पर्यावरण संरक्षण को लेकर अब सतकर्ता बढ़ रही है। इस दिशा में सरकार के स्तर पर भी हाल के वर्षों में प्रयास किए हुए हैं।

प्रकृति हम सब की जननी है और इसकी रक्षा का दायित्व हम सब पर है। लेकिन इसकी रक्षा तभी संभव हो सकेगी जब इस दिशा में जन भागीदारी सुनिश्चित होगी। इतने प्रयासों के बाद भी हम सब के भौतिक सम्मोहन के कारण प्रकृति का दोहन अनवरत हो रहा है। क्लाईमेटो रिफॉर्मर ने अगले पांच वर्षों में अपने जागरूकता कार्यक्रम के लिए असाधारण लक्ष्य तय किए हैं। दो करोड़ लोगों को जलवायु सुधारक के रूप में तैयार करना, दो करोड़ पौधे लगाना, एक करोड़ जलवायु- मित्र आवास बनाना तथा जलवायु पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव जोड़ने वाले 50 लाख दुकानों और दफ्तरों को तैयार करना एक बड़ा और रोमांचकारी लक्ष्य है।

प्रकृति माता की रक्षा जीने और श्रेष्ठ कार्य के लिए मैं अपनी ओर से श्री कुमार और उनके साथियों को साधुवाद। आपके रास्ते शुभ हो और आप अपने संकल्पों को समयबद्ध सीमा में पूरा कर सकें यह मेरी कामना है।

अश्विनी कुमार चौबे
राज्य मंत्री
पर्यावरण वन एवं जलवायु परिवर्तन
उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य और सार्वजनिक वितरण
भारत सरकार

|| प्लास्टिक नहीं, कपड़ा सही ||

Letter of Appreciation from Niraj Kumar Singh – Minister Of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government Of Bihar.

I sincerely appreciate the efforts of Climato Reformer Group ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) in the field of climate change.

It’s effort will certainly help in awareness about Climate Change and finally help reduce carbon emission also creating awareness about plantation, energy saving, green energy, no plastic use, no food wastage, it will go a long way for preservation of our mother earth for future generations.

I appreciate their initiative and wishing for grand success of this group in future.

Niraj Kumar Singh.
Environment, Forest & Climate Change Department, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Giriraj Singh – Minister of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Government of India.

यह जानकर अत्यंत हर्ष हो रहा है कि कृष्णा गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन की इकाई Climato Reformers द्वारा प्रकृति दोहन से बढ़ती हुई ग्लोबल वार्मिंग के कारणों के प्रति जनमानस को जागरुक एवं प्रोत्साहित करने का एक सराहनीय कार्य किया जा रहा है ।

आज पूरे विश्व के पर्यावरण विशेषज्ञों का एक ही संदेश है ” मानव जीवन की रक्षा के लिए प्रकृति का संरक्षण करो” ।

प्रकृति की गोद में पलने वाले विभिन्न प्रकार के जीव-जंतु, वनस्पतियां, वायुमंडल, भूमि, जल आदि सभी एक दूसरे पर इस प्रकार आश्रित हैं कि इसमें से किसी एक की भी कमी दूसरे के अस्तित्व के लिए भयंकर संकट पैदा कर सकती है ।

वायुमंडल में कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड की मात्रा पिछले कुछ वर्षों में काफी बढ़ गई है । कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड में सूर्य की इंफ्रारेड किरणों को सोखने की क्षमता अधिक होती है जिसके परिणाम स्वरूप पृथ्वी का तापमान बढ़ गया है, इसे कम करने के लिए वृक्षारोपण आदि के प्रति लोगों को जागरुक एवं प्रोत्साहित करने का निरंतर प्रयास इस संस्था के द्वारा हो रहा है । वृक्ष कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड से अपना भोजन बनाकर वायुमंडल को जीवनदायिनी ऑक्सीजन देने का काम करते हैं ।

प्रकृति-संरक्षण के प्रति लोगों को जागरूक एवं प्रोत्साहित कर कल का सुनहरा भविष्य बनाने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध इस संस्था के उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना करता हूं ।

गिरिराज सिंह
ग्रामीण विकास तथा पंचायती राज मंत्री,
भारत सरकार
कृषि भवन, नई दिल्ली .

Letter of Appreciation from Ravishankar Prasad – Member of Parliament, Former Union Minister, Government Of India.

वर्त्तमान समय में अर्थव्यवस्था को मजबूत करने की होड़ में सभी देश व्यापारिक रिश्तों में सरलीकरण कर रहे हैं। सभी देश अपने एवं विभिन्न देशों में जाकर बड़े-बड़े कारखाने खोल रहे हैं। कारखानों को व्यापक विस्तार के लिए जंगलों एवं खेतों का दहन तेजी से किया जा रहा है। परिणाम स्वरुप ऑक्सीजन की कमी होना, जीव-जंतु का विलुप्त होना, वर्षा का कम होना, तापमान बढ़ना जैसी समस्याएं बढ़ती जा रही हैं। मनुष्यों के अप्राकृतिक महत्वाकांक्षी कार्यों के कारन ग्लोबल वार्मिंग की गति बढ़ रही है जिसके कारण जलवायु परिवर्तन पूरे विश्व को प्रभावित कर रहा है।

मुझे अति प्रसन्नता है की कृष्णा गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन जलवायु परिवर्तन समस्या पर प्रतिबद्धता लेते हुए प्रकृति संरक्षण के लिए लोगों को जागरूक कर रही है। अभी तक पांच हजार वृक्षारोपण संस्था के द्वारा हुआ है यह एक प्रशंसनीय कार्य है।

मुझे आशा है की आने वाले दिनों में संस्था के सभी पदाधिकारी एवं कार्यकर्ता इसी उत्साह के साथ प्रकृति संरक्षण के लिए कार्य करते रहेंगे। संस्था के उद्देश्यों के प्रति प्रतिबद्ध संस्था के सभी सदस्यों को मेरी शुभकामनाएं एवं संस्था के उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना करता हूँ।

रविशंकर प्रसाद
संसद सदस्य ( लोक सभा )
( पूर्व केन्द्रीय मंत्री )

Letter of Appreciation from Nitin Nabin – Minister Of Road Construction, Government Of Bihar.

I sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

It’s effort will certainly help in awareness about Climate Change and finally help to reduce carbon emission also creating awareness about plantation, energy saving, green energy, no plastic use, no food wastage, it will go a long way for preservation of our mother earth for future generations.

I appreciate their initiatives and wishing for grand success of this group in future.

Nitin Nabin,
Minister, Road Construction Department.
Patna, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Louis Marandi – Former Member of Legislative Assembly (Jharkhand)

अत्यंत प्रसन्नता का विषय है की कृष्णा गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन की इकाई Climato Reformers के द्वारा प्रकृति एवं प्राकृतिक सम्पदाओं के दोहन से बढ़ती ग्लोबल वार्मिंग के कारणों एवं इससे बचाव के प्रति सामान्य जन मानस को जागरूक एवं प्रोत्साहित करने हेतु विशेष अभियान चलाया जा रहा है।

मानव जीवन पूर्ण रूप से प्रकृति पर आश्रित है।
इसलिए तो कहा गया है,
छिति जल पावक गगन समीरा।
पांच रचित अति अधम सरीरा।।

वायुमंडल में कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड की मात्रा पिछले कुछ वर्षो काफी बड़ी है जिसके परिणाम स्वरुप पृत्वी का तापमान बढ़ गया है इसे नियंत्रित करना के लिए एकमात्र विकल्प वृक्षारोपण ही है, वृक्षारोपण कर पर्यावरण में कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड और ऑक्सीजन की मात्रा को संतुलित किया जा सकता है।

प्रकृति के संरक्षण एवं वृक्षारोपण के प्रति लोगों को प्रोत्साहित कर मानव जीवन के सुनहरे भविष्य के निर्माण के लिए कार्य कर रही इस संस्था के उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना करती हूँ।

डा० लुईस मराण्डी
पूर्व मंत्री, झारखंड सरकार

Letter of Appreciation from Sita Sahu, Mayor, Patna (Bihar)

I sincerely appreciate the efforts of Climato Reformer Group ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) in the field of climate change.

It’s effort will certainly help in awareness about Climate Change and finally help to reduce carbon emission also creating awareness about plantation, energy saving, green energy, no plastic use, no food wastage, it will go a long way for preservation of our mother earth for future generations.

I appreciate their initiative and wishing for grand success of this group in future.

Sita Sahu.
Patna Municipal Corporation (Bihar)

Letter of Appreciation from Upendra Prasad Singh, Mayor, Begusarai (Bihar)

Climato Reformer Group ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) is doing an excellent work for creating awareness on Climate Change. Their effort will definitely bring positive change.

We sincerely appreciate their effort and wish all success for Climato Reformer group in their Mission of creating better tomorrow for generations to come.

Upendra Prasad Singh .
Begusarai Municipal Corporation (Bihar)

Letter of Appreciation from Anjani Kumar Singh ( I.A.S ) – Ex Chief Secretary, Government Of Bihar, At Present – Advisor to Chief Minister, Bihar.

Climato Reformer Group ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) is doing a good job in the field of climate reforms and is fighting the menace of climate change. The problem of climate change is looming large as a threat to the human existence. Their vision is exemplary and the organisation is run by talented professionals.

The Awareness program being undertaken by Climato Reformer Group across Bihar will definitely make a difference in changing people’s mind set towards climate change as well as empowering them to make a difference.

I wish all success for Climate Reformer Group, in their future endeavour in this field.

Anjani Kumar Singh,
Advisor to Chief Minister,
Government of Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Rahul Ranjan Mahiwal ( I.A.S ) – Divisional Commissioner, Purnea (Bihar)

We sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for Climate Change and finally help environment.

We wish all success for Climato Reformer Group in all their future endeavour in this field.

Rahul Ranjan Mahiwal,
Divisional Commissioner.
Purnea, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Pankaj Sinha ( I.P.S ) – Dy. Inspector General Of Police, Munger (Bihar)

Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) is doing a yeoman’s job in the field of climate reforms and is fighting against the menace of climate change. The problem of climate change is looming large as a threat to human existence. Their vision is exemplary and the organization is run by talented professionals and is headed by KUMAR.

The mass awareness programmes being undertaken by Climato Reformers Group will help in achieving its far reaching objective of taking action on ground to overcome the challenges of climate change..

I wish the team led by Mr. KUMAR, all the very best and also wish the Climato Reformer Group success in their future endeavour.

Pankaj Sinha,
D.I.G of Police.
Munger, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. S. S Roy – High Performance Director, Sports Authority of India.

The efforts of Climato Reformers with regard to creating awareness on climate change is highly appreciated.

The awareness for better environment and healthy climate change and preservation will go a long way in providing healthy living for generations to come .

I wish all success for Climate Reformer Group, in their work and future endeavour.

Dr. S. S. Roy,
High Performance Director,
Khelo India Talent Identification, Sports Authority Of India.

Letter of Appreciation from Professor Satyakam – Pro Vice-Chancellor, Indra Gandhi National Open University (New Delhi)

वर्त्तमान समय मानव इतिहास का सर्वाधिक मुश्किल और चुनौती भरा आपदा काल है। यह प्रकृति दोहन की अंधाधुन और विचारहीन दृष्टिकोण का प्रतिफलन है।

संकट की इस घोर अमावस्या में “कृष्णा गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन” की इकाई “क्लीमटो रेफोर्मेर्स” प्रकाश की जोत के रूप में नयी रौशनी के साथ आशावाद का शंखनाद कर रही है। प्रकृति का संरक्षण और संवर्धन आज की मांग है जो पृथ्वी पर मानव-जीवन के अस्तित्व और जिजीविषा के लिए अपरिहार्य है।

यह अत्यंत प्रसन्नता और उल्लास का विषय है की यह संस्था नयी पीढ़ी और संपूर्ण मानवता के सृजनात्मक भविष्य के लिए एक ऐसे ‘प्रकृति संरक्षकों’ का समूह निर्मित करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है जो प्रकृति को सहचर, सखा और मित्र बनाने हेतु जन-जन में जागरूकता प्रकाशित करने हेतु कृत-संकल्प हों। मैं हृदय की अतल गहराईयों से संस्था को शुभकामनायें और बधाई देता हूँ और ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करता हूँ की इस पुण्य कार्य में उन्हें अभूतपूर्व सफलता प्राप्त हो।

सम कुलपति,
इंद्रा गाँधी राष्ट्रीय मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय।

Letter of Appreciation from Anjani Kumar Singh – Founder, Indo Sino Co., Hong Kong, China.

The major ecological problems in the world result due to the imbalance created by the difference between how nature works and how people think and act.

Through social media I came across organization like Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) is a great addition to the much needed environmental efforts and hence deserves appreciation as well as gratitude for creating a better future for the present and the future generations. This endeavour in creating awareness will accelerate the process of protecting the environment for benefit of the nature and human beings as we have only one home which is our planet earth.

” The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. “

Best of luck to Climato Reformer group and I anticipate seeing great things from this organization in the future.

Anjani Kumar Singh,
Founder of Indo Sino Co.
Hong Kong, China.

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Sunil Sinha – Urologist, Rondebosch Medical Centre, Cape Town, South Africa.

This is to express my respect and congratulations to the Climate Reformer group which is a unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation for their sterling job under the leadership of Mr Kumar. Having noticed the events and achievements on their website and also from the word of mouth what all they are doing to reduce the carbon footprint in Patna where I come from, I feel very proud. I am elated to know staying so far away in Cape Town (South Africa) that my hometown Patna is not behind in contributing towards the Global climate change. 

It is really a very impressive and commendable piece of work for a worthy cause. I wish them the very best to keep up the good and tireless work. 

Dr. Sunil Sinha,
Urologist, Rondebosch Medical Centre,
Cape Town, South Africa.

Letter of Appreciation from Dr Tirvijay Singh – Executive Editor, Hindustan Media Ventures Limited, Budh Marg, Patna.

पर्यावरण संरक्षण के प्रति श्री प्रवीर कुमार के कुशल निर्देशन में क्लाईमेटो रिफॉर्मर समूह ( कृष्णा गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन की एक इकाई ) के प्रयास प्रशंसनीय हैं । जलवायु परिवर्तन की वजह से पूरे विश्व में चिंताएं बढ़ी हैं । विश्व के तमाम देशों में औसत तापमान बढ़ रहा है और पर्यावरण संरक्षण को लेकर अब सतर्कता बढ़ रही है. इस दिशा में सरकार के स्तर पर भी हाल के वर्षों में प्रयास तेज हुए हैं ।

प्रकृति हम सब की जननी है और इसकी रक्षा का दायित्व हम सब पर है । लेकिन इसकी रक्षा तभी संभव हो सकेगी जब इस दिशा में जन भागीदारी सुनिश्चित होगी । इतने प्रयासों के बाद भी हम सब के भौतिक सम्मोहन की वजह से प्रकृति का दोहन अनवरत हो रहा है. क्लाइमेट रेफोर्मेर्स ने अगले पांच वर्षो में अपने जागरूकता कार्यक्रम के लिए असाधारण लक्ष्य तय किए हैं. दो करोड़ लोगों को जलवायु सुधारक के रूप में तैयार करना, दो करोड़ पौधे लगाना, एक करोड़ जलवायु -मित्र आवास बनाना तथा जलवायु पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव छोड़ने वाले ५० लाख दुकान और दफ्तरों को तैयार करना एक बड़ा और रोमांचकारी लक्ष्य है ।

प्रकृति माता की रक्षा के नेक और बेहतरीन कार्य के लिए मैं अपनी ओर से श्री कुमार और उनके साथियों को साधुवाद और शुभकामनाएं प्रेषित करता हूं । आपके रास्ते शुभ हो और आप अपने संकल्पों को उदारता के साथ पूरा कर सकें, यह मेरी कामना है ।

(डॉ तीर्विजय सिंह)
कार्यकारी संपादक
बुध मार्ग, पटना .

Letter of Appreciation from Nilabh Keshav – Head – Bihar State Office, Confederation of Indian Industry.

We appreciate the efforts of Climato Reformers ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) which is working exceptionally well & creating a powerful impact on society by spreading awareness to save Earth, before it’s too late to mitigate the harmful effects.

We strongly feel that such noble initiatives will go a long way in making a difference in society by relentlessly working towards meeting the vision of healthy change in climate & a better and greener environment.

Wishing all the success to the team of Climato Reformers for their mission of constructing a sustainable future & creating a better tomorrow for generations to come.

Keep Marching!!

Nilabh Keshav,
Head – Bihar State Office,
Confederation of Indian Industry.

Letter of Appreciation from Shiva Kumar – Trustee, Swachh Sansaar Foundation, Gurugram (Haryana)

Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) is doing a yeomen service to mankind by working on climate issues. They have made preservation of nature a goal for themselves. Their efforts in creating awareness about this need leading to tree plantation, energy saving, green energy, no plastic use, no food wastage, etc, will go a long way in saving our mother earth for future generations.

I am appreciative of their initiatives and wish them grand success.

Shiva Kumar,
Trustee, Swachh Sansaar Foundation, Gurugram.
Chairman, Audit Committee, UTI Trustee Company, Mumbai.

Letter of Appreciation from Ramapatee Gujadhur – Director, Mahanagar Telephone Mauritius Ltd, Indian Oil (Mauritius) Ltd, Senior Manager, Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd (retd)

It has come to my notice through my relatives and friends in India and through social media that Climato Reformers, a unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation founded by Shri Kumar is doing a commendable service in mitigating climatic change in India. Their attempts in creating awareness about preservation of nature, particularly amongst children, will go a long way in reducing carbon footprints in the country.

I wish Shri Kumar and his team Godspeed in their laudable and endeavour.

Ramapatee Gujadhur,
Senior Manager, Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd (retd),
Director, Mahanagar Telephone Mauritius Ltd, Indian Oil (Mauritius) Ltd.

Letter of Appreciation from Sanjeev Kumar – DANICS, District Magistrate, Shahdara, Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi.

Climato Reformer Group (A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) is doing an excellent work for creating awareness on Climate Change under the leadership of Mr. Kumar. Their efforts will definitely bring positive change.

We sincerely appreciate their efforts and wish all success for Climato Reformer Group in their Mission of creating a better tomorrow for generations to come.

I would like to wish Mr. Kumar and his team of extremely talented individuals, all the very best in their future endeavours.

Sanjeev Kumar,
District Magistrate,
District Shahdara, Delhi

Letter of Appreciation from Abhay Singh – Washington University, Saint Louis, USA

I want to congratulate the Climato Reformers team for their outstanding performance in educating society about the climate on social media. The restless hours of your hard work to edit the videos and write awareness messages about the environment is having a terrific impact globally.

I, once again, thank you and appreciate your hard work.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

Abhay Singh,
Washington University in St. Louis
Saint Louis, USA

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Aloka Chandan, President, Lions Club of Bettiah, Bettiah(Bihar)

We sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for climate change and finally help environment.

We wish all success for Climate Reformer Group, in all their future endeavour in this field.

Dr. Aloka Chandan,
President, Lions Club Of Bettiah.
Bettiah, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Vinay Kumar Jha, TCS, Corporate Blvd, Rockville, USA

I want to congratulate the Climato Reformers team for their outstanding performance in educating society about the climate on social media. The restless hours of your hard work to edit the videos and write awareness messages about the environment is having a terrific impact globally.

I, once again, thank you and appreciate your hard work.

Thanking You,

Yours truly,

Vinay Kumar Jha,
TCS, Corporate Blvd, Rockville,
MD 20850, USA.

Letter of Appreciation from Nilesh Kumar, Adelaide, Australia

I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards you and your team ( Climato Reformers – A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) for creating such a great awareness in the society about climate change and stepping ahead in making ours tomorrow better.

The science is clear that climate change is happening. What is needed now is the shift in community behaviour, perception and attitudes towards climate change – through creating awareness in the community. Which is what you and your team is building and I am pretty sure that will create an impact towards the goal.

Just to add in this great cause – Me and my family has started the consciousness in our local community on waste of food for energy and stepping ahead to become a part of – Climato Reformer.

We salute all organisation like yours for all the very amazing social works that it is actually just doing as it is something that people usually often do not pay much attention to.

Best regards,

Nilesh Kumar,
52 Addison road, Pennington,
Adelaide, SA , Australia.

Letter of Appreciation from Kundan Kumar, Member of Legislative Assembly, Begusarai (Bihar)

We sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for Climate Change and finally help environment.

We wish all success for Climato Reformer Group, in all their future endeavour in this field.

With Best Wishes,
Kundan Kumar,
Member of Legislative Assembly, Begusarai (Bihar)

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Bhupesh Kumar, Principal, Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Ranchi, Jharkhand.

We sincerely appreciate the efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of climate change.

It’s effort will certainly help in awareness about climate change. Further, this will help in reducing carbon emission and creating awareness about plantation, energy saving, green energy, reducing plastic use and reduction in food wastage. It will go a long way in preserving our mother nature for future generations.

We appreciate their initiative and wish them a success in future.

Dr. Bhupesh Kumar,
Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Ranchi

Letter of Appreciation from G D Gulab, Former, Director Personnel MCL, A Miniratna Co, Director, ISM Ranchi (Jharkhand)

I am pleased to learn that Climato Reformer Group A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation, is doing a lot of activities such as Tree Plantations, Green energy, no food wastage, no use of plastic, etc, in the field of Climate Change.

They are also creating awareness in the rural areas and working for protecting environment.

Sincerely appreciate their efforts and wish them all success in their efforts.

G D Gulab,
Former, Director Personnel MCL, A Miniratna Co, Director, ISM Ranchi.

Letter of Appreciation from Sumit Kumar, Program Director, IBM Data and AI, IBM Cloud Park for Data, AI Governance, DataOps – SaaS

I just want to take this opportunity the thank Mr Kumar for taking a noble initiative through a Non-Profit Organisation, “Climato Reformers” , a unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation. It has started creating the difference in the society with the very basic motive, “Be the change, to see the change”.

We all are aware of a huge challenge for mankind, which is Global warming and its adverse impact on the climate. He has been leading the mass awareness program by spreading the right messages to the generations, who are keen to listen and want to be part of the change.

It is is happening across the state in Bihar, which happens to be my native as well as I am very much thankful to him for creating such a positive impact. Being outside of Bihar for 26 years, I always believed that we need selfless leaders like him to contribute to the cause for our own people, who need it now and in the future.

It’s always good to be prepared before it is too late to mitigate the risks of climate change. I wish Mr Kumar and his team great success towards this mission and may he get a lot of support for this cause.

Sumit Kumar, Program Director, IBM Data and AI,
IBM Cloud Park for Data, AI Governance, DataOps – SaaS

Letter of Appreciation from R. K. Sharma, Chief Advisor, Finman Global Pvt Ltd. (Hyderabad)

One of the biggest threats the human race is facing today is of the climatic changes and the impact thereof . I must, therefore, congratulate and convey my sincere compliments to Shri Kumar, Founder / Mentor of Climato Reformers (A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) and his team of dedicated workers for successfully trying to live up to their declared Vision of ” Creating a better tomorrow through Climate Changes “.

I am impressed with the steps taken by Shri Kumar and his Team for creating mass awareness of the ongoing climatic changes and their effect on our day to day life. It’s commendable to see that sincere and honest efforts are being made by them to take action on ground level to meet the grave challenge being faced by each one of us.

I wish Shri Kumar and his Team all the very best. Whatever they have achieved so far is quite impressive. But a lot more has to be done. Please keep it up. God bless!

R. K. Sharma,
Chief Advisor, Finman Global Pvt Ltd.

Letter of Appreciation from S. P. Tiwary, Chief Manager, Civil Administration, Western Coalfields Limited.

Climato Reformer Group ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) is doing an excellent work towards creating awareness on Climate Change. This efforts will definitely bring positive change of planet preservation.

We sincerely appreciate their efforts and wish all success for Climato Reformer Group in the mission of creating better tomorrow to come.

With best wishes

S. P. Tiwary,
Chief Manager, Civil Administration, Western Coalfields Limited.

Letter of Appreciation from Ajit Kumar, District Judge, Garhwa, Jharkhand

The climate change has become a global concern over the last few decades. It has started adversely affecting in various ways, the fauna and flora including entire human lives, of the earth. It is badly affecting the climate change of the world of which India is also being affected.

I appreciate Climato Reformers ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) who have undertaken the task to combat this menace by taking 2- dimensional strategy of not only preventing the climate change in future but also working in recovering the damages already done to our environment.

I wish and hopeful that Climato Reformers, under the able guidance and leadership of Shri Kumar, will achieve remarkable success in their endeavour.

Ajit Kumar,
District Judge, Garhwa, Jharkhand.

Letter of Appreciation from Sanjay Kishore, Divisional Manager, The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd., Patna (Bihar)

Kudos to the team “Climato Reformer Group ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation )” and their effort to save Climate Change.

We all know the Earth is the only planet to have life, so save the earth and save our life, if you destroy the earth, you destroy the chance of life. Without earth, no one will take breath.

It is our duty to protect the climate for the generation next. If someone not taking care of this earth by planting trees then one day one have to search another planet to go to.

Tomorrow what will save us is not the technology or science. What will save is the ethical transformation of our society to save the nature by planting a tree and its ecosphere.

To sav earth the “Climato Reformer group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation)” is doing a wonderful job. I appreciate from the bottom of my heart.

Sanjay Kishore,
Divisional Manager,
The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd, Patna (Bihar)

Letter of Appreciation from Vinod Kumar Lal, Vice President, City Council, Dumka, Jharkhand

We appreciate you for your remarkable work in field of climate change. The dedication of Climato Reformer Group ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) in the field of Climate Change is fabulous. We know about awareness program run by Climato Reformer group, which is creating milestone everyday in the field of most burning global issue.

Finally your work and awareness about Climate Change will make chain globally for great output in the field of reduction of carbon emission also creating awareness about plantation, energy saving, green energy. It will go a long way to preserve our Earth for future generations.

We appreciate the initiatives and wishing Climato Reformer Group for great success.

Vinod Kumar Lal,
Vice President,
Nagar Parishad, Dumka, Jharkhand

Letter of Appreciation from Devesh Kant Singh, Member of Legislative Assembly, Goreakothi, Siwan (Bihar)

We appreciate you for your outstanding work in field of climate change. Dedication of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change is remarkable. We are quite aware of the fact that the Climato Reformer Group is creating place to place an awareness program about climate change.

Finally your work and effors about Climate Change will give us great output and finally help to reduce carbon emission also creating awareness about plantation, energy saving, green energy. It will go a long way to preserve our earth for future generations.

We appreciate the initiatives and wishing Climato Reformer Group, for great success.

Devesh Kant Singh,
Member of Legislative Assembly.
Goreakothi, Siwan, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Awdhesh Singh, Member of Legislative Assembly, Hajipur(Bihar)

We sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for Climate Change and finally help environment.

We wish all success for Climato Reformer Group, in all their future endeavour in this field.

Awdhesh Singh,
Member of Legislative Assembly.
Hajipur, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Sangita Devi, Chairperson, District Board, Siwan (Bihar)

I sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

It’s effort will certainly help in awareness about Climate Change and finally help to reduce carbon emission also creating awareness about plantation, energy saving, green energy, no plastic use, no food wastage, it will go a long way for preservation of our mother earth for future generations.

I appreciate their initiatives and wishing for grand success of this group in future.

Sangita Devi,
Chairperson, District Board.
Siwan, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Hira Paswan, Chairman, Municipal Council, Kishanganj (Bihar)

We sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for climate change and finally help environment.

We wish all success for Climate Reformer Group, in all their future endeavour in this field.

Hira Paswan,
Chairman, Municipal Council.
Kishanganj, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Prasad Gupta, Member of The Legislative Council and Chairman for Question & Calling-Attention Committee, Bihar.

Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) is doing an excellent work for creating awareness on Climate Change. Their effort will definitely bring positive change.

We sincerely appreciate their effort and wish all success for Climate Reformer Group in their Mission of creating better tomorrow for generations to come.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Gupta,
Member of The Legislative Council.

Letter of Appreciation from Sanjay Singh, Member of The Legislative Council, Bihar.

We sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for climate change and finally help environment.

We wish all success for Climate Reformer Group, in all their future endeavour in this field.

Sanjay Singh,
Member of The Legislative Council.

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Shachi Kant, Former Additional Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Government of India, New Delhi.

The serious endeavours being put in by the Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the arena of arresting the degradation in the nature of climate is sure to go a long way in providing the mankind a better future throbbing with vibrant life in the lap of Mother Earth. By creating awareness with regard to global warming and its consequent ill-effects on the melting of glaciers and the rise in sea-level, the Climato Reformer Group is augmenting the crucial factors responsible for survival of life on the planet Earth, providing thereby a healthy future to the generations of tomorrow.

I wish a glittering future burning bright to the Climato Reformer Group in all the serious efforts invested towards the noble cause of climate preservation.

Dr. Shachi Kant,
Former Additional Commissioner (Academics).
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, New Delhi.

Letter of Appreciation from Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Prasad Gupta, Member of The Legislative Council and Chairman for Question & Calling-Attention Committee, Bihar.

यह जानकर अत्यंत हर्ष हो रहा है की कृष्णा गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन की इकाई Climato Reformers के द्वारा वैश्विक उष्णता के कारणों एवं इससे आसन्न खतरों के प्रति आमजन को जागरूक एवं प्रोत्साहित करने का सराहनीय कार्य किया जा रहा है।

वैश्विक उष्णता एवं जलवायु परिवर्तन आज समूचे विश्व के लिए सबसे विकराल समस्या है जिसने मानव जीवन के अस्तित्व पर खतरा उत्पन्न कर दिया है। प्रकृति के अत्यधिक दोहन का प्रभाव हमारे परिस्थितिक तंत्र पर पड़ रहा है जिसका प्रभाव हम अपने आस पास जलवायु असंतुलन, बाढ़, सुखाड़, तूफ़ान आदि के रूप म प्रायः देखते हैं।

संस्था द्वारा पर्यावरण संरक्षण के प्रति लोगों को जागरूक कर उन्हें ज्यादा से ज्यादा वृक्षारोपण हेतु प्रोत्साहित करना एक अत्यंत सराहनीय पहल है। मैं इस महान सामाजिक कार्य हेतु इस संस्थान से जुड़े सदस्यों को अपनी हार्दिक शुभकामनायें देता हूँ तथा उनके उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना करता हूँ।

प्रो. डॉ. राजेंद्र प्रसाद गुप्ता,
सदस्य, बिहार विधान परिषद्।

Letter of Appreciation from Mukesh Kumar Raushan, Member of Legislative Assembly, Mahua (Bihar)

We sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for climate change and finally help environment.

We wish all success for Climate Reformer Group, in all their future endeavour in this field.

Mukesh Kumar Raushan,
Member of Legislative Assembly.
Mahua, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Neeraj Kumar, Member of Assurance Committee, Co-Member of Legislative Council, Bihar

Climato Reformers ( कृष्णा गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन की एक इकाई ) द्वारा प्रकृति दोहन से उत्पन्न दिनानुदिन बढ़ती हुई वैश्विक उष्णता ( Gobal Warming ) के कारणों से प्रति जन मानस को जागरूक एवं प्रोत्साहित करने का कार्य अत्यंत ही सराहनीय है।

आज पूरे विश्व के पर्यावरण विशेषज्ञों का एक ही सन्देश है – मानव जीवन की रक्षा के लिए प्रकृति का संरक्षण करो।

प्रकृति की गोदमें पलने वाले विभिन्न प्रकार के जीवजंतु, वनस्पतियां, वायुमंडल, भूमि, जल आदि सभी एक दूसरे पर इस प्रकार आश्रित हैं की इसमें से किसी एक की गड़बड़ी दूसरे के अस्तित्व के लिए भयंकर संकट पैदा कर सकती है।

वायुमंडल में कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड की मात्रा पिछले कुछ वर्षो में काफी बढ़ गयी है। कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड में सूर्या की इंफ्रारेड किरणों को सोखने की क्षमता अधिक होती है जिसके परिणाम स्वरुप पृथ्वी का तापमान बढ़ गया है, इसे कम करने के लिए वृक्षारोपण आदि के प्रति लोगों को जागरूक एवं प्रोत्साहित करने का निरंतर प्रयास इस संस्था के द्वारा हो रहा है। वृक्ष कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड से अपना भोजन बनाकर वायुमंडल को जीवन दायिनी ऑक्सीजन देने का काम करते हैं।

प्रकृति संरक्षण के प्रति लोगों को जागरूक एवं प्रोत्साहित कर कल का सुनहरा भविष्य बनाने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध इस संस्था के उज्जवल भविष्य की मैं कामना करता हूँ।

नीरज कुमार,
सदस्य, आश्वासन समिति,
सह सदस्य, बिहार विधान परिषद्।

Letter of Appreciation from Prakash Rai, Member of Legislative Assembly, Member of Proliferation Committee, Betia (Bihar)

We sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for climate change and finally help environment.

We wish all success for Climate Reformer Group, in all their future endeavour in this field.

Prakash Rai,
Member of Legislative Assembly.
Betia, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Vinay Bihari, Member of Legislative Assembly, Lauriya (Bihar)

We sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for climate change and finally help environment.

We wish all success for Climate Reformer Group, in all their future endeavour in this field.

Vinay Bihari,
Member of Legislative Assembly.
Lauriya, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Sushil Prasad Chowdhary, President, Indian Medical Association, West Champaran (Bihar)

We sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for climate change and finally help environment.

We wish all success for Climate Reformer Group, in all their future endeavour in this field.

Dr. Sushil Kumar Chowdhary,
President, Indian Medical Association .
West Champaran, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Ranjana Srivastava, Member of Municipal Board, Siwan (Bihar)

We appreciate you for your remarkable work in field of climate change. The dedication of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change is fabulous. We know about awareness program run by Climato Reformer Group, which is creating milestone everyday in the field of most burning global issue.

Finally your work and awareness about Climate Change will make chain globally for great output in the field of reduction of carbon emission also creating awareness about plantation, energy saving, green energy. It will go a long way to preserve our earth for future generations.

We appreciate the initiatives and wishing Climato Reformer Group for great success.

Ranjana Srivastava,
Member of Municipal Board.
Siwan, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Priyanka Devi, Dy. Chairperson, Municipal Corporation, Siwan (Bihar)

We appreciate you for your remarkable work in field of climate change. The dedication of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change is fabulous. We know about awareness program run by Climato Reformer Group, which is creating milestone everyday in the field of most burning global issue.

Finally your work and awareness about Climate Change will make chain globally for great output in the field of reduction of carbon emission also creating awareness about plantation, energy saving, green energy. It will go a long way to preserve our earth for future generations.

We appreciate the initiatives and wishing Climato Reformer Group for great success.

Priyanka Devi,
Dy. Chairperson, Municipal Corporation.
Siwan, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Ram Singh, Member of Legislative Assembly, Patna (Bihar)

We sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for climate change and help environment.

We wish them all success in all their future endeavour in this field.

Ram Singh,
Member of Legislative Assembly.
Patna, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Bimal Kishore Mishra, Faculty of Social Sciences, Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara(Bihar)

I sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in awareness about climate change and finally help reduce carbon emission also creating awareness about plantation, energy saving, green energy, no plastic use, no food wastage, it will go a long way for preservation of our mother earth for future generations.

I appreciate their initiative and wishing for grand success of the group in future.

Dr. Bimal Kishore Mishra,
Faculty of Social Sciences, Veer Kunwar Singh University.
Ara, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Arun Kumar Sinha, Member of Legislative Assembly, Kumhraar (Bihar)

मैं जलवायु परिवर्तन के क्षेत्र में जलवायु सुधारक समूह ( कृष्णा गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन इकाई द्वारा ) के प्रयासों की सराहना करता हूँ।

इनके प्रयासों से निश्चित तौर पर इसके बारे में जागरुकता फैलेगी। जलवायु परिवर्तन कार्बन को काम करने में मदद मिलेगी। ऊर्जा की बचत, हरित ऊर्जा को बढ़ाना, प्लास्टिक का उपयोग नहीं होगा। आने वाले पीढ़ियों के लिए धरती माँ के सामान होगी।

मैं इनके पहल की सराहना के साथ उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना करता हूँ।

अरुण कुमार सिन्हा,
कुम्हरार विधान सभा,

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Nishant Kumar, Asso Member, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi

I sincerely appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Its effort will certainly help in awareness about climate change and finally help reduce carbon emission also creating awareness about plantation, energy saving, green energy, no plastic use, no food wastage, it will go a long way for preservation of our mother earth for future generations.

I appreciate their initiative and wishing for grand success of the group in future.

Dr. Nishant Kumar,
Asso Member, Indian Institute of Public Administration .
New Delhi.

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Sanjay Kumar Satyarthi, Principal, Government College Daman, Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu.

Climato Reformer (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) is an NGO dealing with the issues relating to climate change, has come up with a really impressive plan and laudable strategy towards prevention and cure of the disastrous impact of climate change under the dynamic leadership of Shri Kumar.

The organisation has gone beyond the usual ‘tree-plantation drive’. Its awakening drive towards setting up climato homes, offices and shops is a worth watching laudable endeavour.

I wish the organisation and its self-motivated ‘climate warriors’ a grand success in their endeavour.

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Satyarthi,
Principal, Government College Daman.
Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu.

Letter of Appreciation from Vimal Kirti Singh, IAS, Advocate, Supreme Court of India.

This is to express my deep appreciation for the work done by Climate Reformer Group ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) under the guidance and supervision of Mr Kumar in the field of climate change. Their fight against climate change & their service to humanity as a whole has been nothing short of Spectacular

The awareness programs being undertaken by Climate Reformer group across Patna will definitely make a difference in changing people’s mindset towards climate change as well as empowering them to make a difference.

I would like to wish Mr Kumar and his team of extremely talented individuals all the very best in their future endeavours.

Vimal Kirti Singh,
IAS (Vol. Retd.),

Letter of Appreciation from Charul Negi, Manager, State Bank of India, New Delhi.

I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the work done by Climato Reformers (A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) under the leadership of Mr Kumar in the field of climate change.

One of the biggest threats that the human race is facing today is of Climate Change and the awareness programs run by your organisation are the need of the hour. The impact of these programs run by your organisation will not just help us in saving our present but also preserving our future. Your support and commitment towards spreading awareness regarding climate change will surely go a long way.

I wish Mr Kumar and the whole team of Climato Reformers great success for all the future endeavours.

Charul Negi,
State Bank of India.

Letter of Appreciation from Kanchan Kumar, Director, UPS Constructions Pvt. Ltd.

Climato Reformers Group (A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) is doing an excellent work in the field of climate reforms and is fighting against the menace of climate change. The problem of climate change is looming large as a threat to human existence. Their vision is is exemplary and the organisation is run by talented professionals and was headed by Mr. KUMAR.

The mass awareness programs being undertaken by Climato Reformers Group will help in achieving its far reaching objective of taking action on ground to overcome the challenges of climate change.

I wish the team led by Mr KUMAR all the very best and also wish the Climato Reformers Group success in their future endeavour.

Kanchan Kumar,
UPS Constructions Pvt. Ltd.

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Gaurav Singh, MBBS, MS, M.Ch Urology (IGIMS, Patna), Ex-SR, Department of Urology, (Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi), Sri Rameshwar Urology & Stone Hospital.

This is to express my respect & appreciation to the Climato Reformers Organisation (A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) for their work done in the field of climate change, under the leadership & guidance of Mr Kumar.

The various awareness programmes are making a big difference in our people’s mindset towards Climate change. It is very commendable work for a great cause.

I wish the entire team led by Mr Kumar my best in their future efforts to give our coming generations a healthier & happier environment.

Dr. Gaurav Singh,
MBBS, MS, M.Ch Urology,
Sri Rameshwar Urology & Stone Hospital .

Letter of Appreciation from Richa Roy Singh, Director, Yahvi Jewellery Pvt. Ltd, Jaipur

I would take this opportunity to appreciate the work done by Climato Reformers (a unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in creating awareness among the general public about the ecological problems resulting due to climate change.

Under the leadership of Shri Kumar, the Climato Group is dedicatedly working to preserve the environment and create a better future for the present and future generations.

I wish the Climato Reformers team continued success and good luck in all their endeavours.

Richa Roy Singh,

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Ajay Kumar, Diabetologist, Diabetes Care & Research Centre, Patna

Climate change and related catastrophic consequences are beyond the realm of imagination. They are here; all-pervasive, furious and cutting across the geographical barriers. Rapidly melting glaciers, recurrent avalanches including cyclones, typhoons, forest fires and devastating floods have led to unprecedented disasters and human misery.

Alas! These horrific spectacles are direct consequences of predatory misconduct arising out of a insatiable human greed. Tacit bipartisan loot and plunder inflicted by powers that be and irresponsible and illiterate polity have inflicted colossal damage and danger to the extent that civilization existence is in peril.

Affirmative action to address these issues is imperative, urgent and responsibility of every citizen. Certainly this cannot be left to the inept, corrupt and mentally bankrupt policy makers. Any lackadaisical attitude would lead to annihilation of our entire ecosystem that’s looming large on the horizon.

Climato Reformers, unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation, under the imaginative leadership of Mr. Kumar is doing yeoman’s service to humanity by addressing these challenges. Their motivation, ideation and execution of well construed strategies will go a long way in mitigating the perils of climatic depredations. It’s not only praiseworthy but also infectious. I wish them success in their endeavours and urge every responsible person to support these initiatives.

Dr. Ajay Kumar,
Diabetologist, Diabetes Care & Research Centre

Letter of Appreciation from D. B. Gupta, Advocate, South Gandhi Maidan, Patna.

I wish to put on record my sincere appreciation for the Yeomen Services rendered by Climato Reformers Group (A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of the most burning topic – “Climate Reforms” under the supervision and able leadership of Mr Kumar.

“The interlinked crisis of pollution, climate change and biodiversity act as threat multipliers. It has already resulted and affected the rights to adequate food, water, education, housing, health, development and even life itself.”

The mass awareness programs consistently carried on by Climato Reformers Group under the exemplary guidance of skilled professionals will go a long way in reversing the threat of climate change and ultimately benefit not only the present but also future generation.

I wish to Mr Kumar and his team forming Climato Reformers Group all the success in their future endeavour.

D. B. Gupta,
Patna High Court.

Letter of Appreciation from M. S. Rahman, Director, Kosi Valley International School, Purnia.

Climato Reformers Group (A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) is doing an exemplary work in the field of climatic conversation and nature preservation of the area. Climatic change is threatening the human existence and the Group with their concerted effort is doing a wonderful job in fighting the menace of climatic change.

The team of Climato Reformers Group led by Mr Kumar deserve explicit appreciation for their ground level work to check the disastrous effect of climate change to mankind and the biome at large. The mass awareness campaign launched by the Group has a fruitful impact among the people of the area. I strongly hope that the Group will continue to do the good work and render their yeoman services in making the mother Earth (locally and globally) a better place to live in.

I wish Mr Kumar and his team a thumping success in all their future endeavour.

M. S. Rahman,
Kosi Valley International School .

Letter of Appreciation from Karnjeet Singh, Member of Legislative Assembly, Siwan (Bihar)

मुझे बहुत ख़ुशी हो रही है की कृष्णा गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन एक ऐसी संस्था है जो प्रकृति संतुलन के बारे में कार्य कर रही है।

कृष्णा गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन का एक सदस्य श्री कुमार के द्वारा हमारे जिला सिवान में प्रकृति के संतुलन के लिए बहुत सारे अच्छे कार्य किये जा रहे हैं जो हमारे जिले के लिए बहुत ही सराहनीय कार्य है।

इन्होने वृक्षारोपण अवं जल संरक्षण के बारे में सभी को अवगत कराया अवं वृक्षारोपण को लेकर वृहत रूप से आम जान मानस को प्रोत्साहित किया।

इस संस्था से जुड़े सभी सदस्य को हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ एवं धन्यवाद।

कर्णजीत सिंह।
सदस्य बिहार विधानसभा ,
१०९, दरौंदा, सिवान ( बिहार )

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Mithilesh Kumar, Member of Legislative Assembly, Sitamarhi (Bihar)

We sincerely appreciate efforts of climate Reformer Group ( A unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation ) in the field of climate change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for climate change.

We wish all success for climate Reformer Group in all their future endeavour in this field.

Mithilesh Kumar .
Member of Legislative Assembly,
Sitamarhi (Bihar)

Letter of Appreciation from Man Mardan Shukla, Dy. Mayor, Muzaffarpur Municipal Corporation (Bihar)

We Sincerely Appreciate efforts of Climato Reformer Group (A Unit of Krishna Gurukul Foundation) in the field of Climate Change.

Their effort will certainly help in creating awareness for climate change and finally help environment.

We wish all success for Climato Reformer Group, in all their future endeavour in this field.

M. M. Shukla,
Dy. Mayor.
Muzaffarpur Municipal Corporation, Bihar.

Letter of Appreciation from Suresh Pasi, Member of Legislative Assembly, Jagdishpur (Amethi), (Uttar Pradesh)

यह जानकर अत्यंत हर्ष हो रहा है कि कृष्ण गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन की इकाई क्लिमेटो रिफॉर्मर्स द्वारा प्रकृति दोहन से बढ़ती हुई ग्लोबल वार्मिंग के कारणों के प्रति जनमानस को जागरुक एवं प्रोत्साहित करने का एक सराहनीय कार्य किया जा रहा है ।

प्रकृति हम सबकी जननी है और इसकी सुरक्षा का दायित्व हम सब पर है । लेकिन इसकी रक्षा तभी संभव हो सकेगी जब इस दिशा में जन भागीदारी सुनिश्चित होगी । क्लिमेटो रिफॉर्म्स ने अगले पांच वर्षों में अपने जागरूकता कार्यक्रम के लिए असाधारण लक्ष्य तय किए हैं । दो करोड लोगों को जलवायु सुधारक के रूप में तैयार करना, दो करोड़ पौधे लगाना, एक करोड़ जलवायु मित्र आवास बनाना एक बड़ा और रोमांचकारी लक्ष्य है ।

प्रकृति माता की रक्षा के नेक और श्रेष्ठ कार्य के लिए मैं अपनी ओर से श्री प्रवीर कुमार और उनके साथियों को साधुवाद देता हूं, आपके रास्ते शुभ हों और आप अपने संकल्पों को समयबद्ध सीमा में पूरा कर सकें, यही मेरी कामना है ।

सुरेश पासी,
184, जगदीशपुर, (उत्तर प्रदेश).

Letter of Appreciation from Rakesh Pratap Singh, Member of Legislative Assembly, Gauriganj, (Amethi), (Uttar Pradesh)

यह जानकर अत्यंत हर्ष हो रहा है कि कृष्ण गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन की इकाई Climato Reformers द्वारा प्रकृति दोहन से बढ़ती हुई ग्लोबल वार्मिंग के कारणों के प्रति जनमानस को जागरुक एवं प्रोत्साहित करने का एक सराहनीय कार्य किया जा रहा है । आज पूरे विश्व के पर्यावरण विशेषज्ञों का एक ही संदेश है कि मानव जीवन की रक्षा के लिए प्रकृति का संरक्षण करो ।

प्रकृति हम सबकी जननी है और इसकी सुरक्षा का दायित्व हम सब पर है लेकिन इसकी रक्षा तभी संभव हो सकेगी जब इस दिशा में जन भागीदारी सुनिश्चित होगी । Climato Reformers ने अगले पांच वर्षों में अपने जागरूकता कार्यक्रम के लिए असाधारण लक्ष्य तय किए हैं । दो करोड लोगों को जलवायु सुधारक के रूप में तैयार करना, दो करोड़ पौधे लगाना, एक करोड़ जलवायु मित्र आवास बनाना एक बड़ा और रोमांचकारी लक्ष्य है ।

प्रकृति माता की रक्षा के नेक और श्रेष्ठ कार्य के लिए मैं अपनी ओर से श्री प्रवीर कुमार एवं इनके साथियों को साधुवाद देता हूं, आपके रास्ते शुभ हों और आप अपने संकल्पों को समयबद्ध सीमा में पूर्ण कर सकें, यही मेरी शुभकामना है ।

राकेश प्रताप सिंह,
185, गौरीगंज, अमेठी, (उत्तर प्रदेश).

Letter of Appreciation from Dr. Sanjay Singh, Ex-Member of Parliament, Amethi, (Uttar Pradesh)

यह जानकर अत्यंत हर्ष हो रहा है कि कृष्ण गुरुकुल फाउंडेशन की इकाई क्लिमेटो रिफॉर्मर्स समूह समूह के प्रयास प्रशंसनीय हैं, जलवायु परिवर्तन के कारण पूरे विश्व में चिंताएं बनी है । विश्व के कई देशों में औसतन तापमान बढ़ रहा है । इसे कम करने के लिए वृक्षारोपण आदि के प्रति लोगों को जागरुक एवं प्रोत्साहित करने का निरंतर प्रयास इस संस्था के द्वारा हो रहा है । वृक्ष कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड से अपना भोजन बनाकर वायुमंडल को जीवन दायिनी ऑक्सीजन देने का काम करते हैं ।

प्रकृति के संरक्षण एवं वृक्षारोपण के प्रति लोगों को प्रोत्साहित कर मानव जीवन के सुनहरे भविष्य के निर्माण के लिए कार्य कर रही इस संस्था के उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना करता हूं ।

डॉ संजय सिंह,
पू० संसद सदस्य,
‘अमेठी हाउस’ 13, सरदार पटेल मार्ग, कैण्ट लखनऊ, (उत्तर प्रदेश).

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